老婆和情人的區別! 爆笑!The difference between his wife and lover! Hilarious!

老婆和情人的區別! 爆笑!

什麼是異性朋友? 想說的不敢說,想做的不敢做;

什麼是紅顏知己? 想說的儘管說,想做的不能做;

什麼是情人? 無話不說,無事不做;

什麼是老婆? 話懶得說,事懶得做。 。 。

The difference between his wife and lover! Hilarious!

What is the opposite sex? Want to say can not say, do not want to do;

What is a confidante? Want to say though that does not want to do;

What is a lover? Then do not say, nothing to do;

What is a wife? Too lazy to say it, too lazy to do things. .

